90 Wrecks in Corsica - 2nd Edition
90 Wrecks in Corsica - 2nd Edition by Anne and Jean-Pierre Joncheray
Summary :
And here is the reedition, clearly enriched and improved, of the book "50 wrecks in Corsica", published in 2002, which quickly became impossible to find.
A true underwater museum, the island still conceals unknown sites, witnesses of its recent history and of the recent universal history. Faced with such an abundance of missing ships and planes, Anne and Jean-Pierre Joncheray have set themselves a limit: a little over ninety sites.
This corresponds to more than thirty-five years of diving, hundreds of immersions, an incalculable number of trips by ferry, cargo ship, or plane, often with chaotic itineraries... This also corresponds to emerging wrecks (Niagara, Sagemar), as well as monsters of depth (Da Noli, Figari cargo ship). An uninterrupted underwater adventure, lived with their Corsican buddies, for worse or for better. And, in Corsica, there is more good than bad!
How to present the dives? The geographical sequence was privileged, starting from the top of the Corsican cape, in a clockwise direction. The wrecks follow one another, all different, more or less intact, more or less deep... For each of them, the authors have tried to describe, successively, the nature of the ship or the plane, then its history (we often say "the career"), its location, with, as much as possible, the famous "teachings" or the unstoppable "GPS points", the depth, and, obviously, the dive, its strong points, its difficulty.
A brief summary precedes each monograph, and, for each geographical area, a complete description of the ports, anchorages and protected areas is provided. Before anything else, the reader is given general information about access and weather.
This book will prove to be indispensable to many enthusiasts... The Corsicans will find there snippets of their past. The Corsicans will find in it bits of their past. The continentals will discover practically all the wreck diving sites of the island. Sailors and aviators will be fascinated by this underwater history. Historians and ship lovers will be surprised by the density of the book...
This is a real dictionary, both historical and underwater, a colossal amount of information collected with care!