The underwater world of the biologist diver in the Mediterranean
The underwater world of the biologist diver in the Mediterranean by Jean Bonnefis and Michel Pathé
This book on the underwater world has followed some main guidelines.
The particularities of the marine environment were first exposed, then safety notions for the diver were recalled, as well as the "bio" behavior that every diver should adopt.
The classification of species was particularly developed, so important to "arrange" in a rational way everything that the diver is likely to meet underwater. In the Appendix, several branches of the complex tree of the living world are presented. A book on underwater biology cannot do without a presentation, albeit very simplified, of the classification of species.
The presentation of the different phyla (phyla) has always followed the same plan, including a description of the physiology (functioning) of the organisms and then a classification of these within their phylum, with a presentation throughout the chapter of a large number of photographs.
Four major transversal subjects have been treated, mandatory to understand the interactions between the different species. These are: Reproduction, Adaptations to underwater life, Associations and Nutrition. Finally, the main feature of the book is the systematic presentation of the etymology of names and terms.
Etymology seemed to us to be essential to help the diver to understand "barbaric" names and terms from their essentially Greek or Latin roots. These names and terms then become understandable and easy to decipher.
What a pleasure to remember the name of the scorpion fish above, according to the international nomenclature!