Discovering underwater life Red Sea, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean Volume 2
Discovering Underwater Life Red Sea, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean Volume 2 by Steven Weinberg and François Libert
The Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean and their surrounding seas cover 45% of the surface of our planet. A large part of this huge area is located in the tropics. This is the Indo-Pacific, with its coral reefs and their countless inhabitants. In this second volume of the guide, Steven WEINBERG and François LIBERT have pooled their photos and knowledge to present you with more than 1,300 species, illustrated by more than 2,000 images. Combined with volume 1, this guide has become the most complete and essential work in French covering the marine species of the immense oceanic expanse from the Red Sea to Polynesia and beyond. And yet... it shows only a part of the vast biological heritage of the Indo-Pacific! It took these two volumes to cover what can be seen by divers or those who go to discover the shallow waters with mask and snorkel. This volume covers ascidians, fish, reptiles and marine mammals. To Steven Weinberg's experience as a popularizer has been added the expertise of François LIBERT, a fish enthusiast from whom nothing escapes. Together, they make the discovery of the richest marine fauna on the planet accessible to all.