Discovering underwater life Red Sea, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean Volume 1
Discovering Underwater Life Red Sea, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean Volume 1 by Steven Weinberg
The Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean and their associated seas cover 45% of the surface of our planet. A large part of this huge area is located in the tropics. It is the Indo-Pacific, with its coral reefs and their innumerable inhabitants. It is impossible to describe them all in text and images. Trying to show the most common species is already an enormous task. With infinite patience, Steven WEINBERG took 40 years to accumulate the 2,000 photos illustrating this guide. With more than 1,000 species, it is the most complete guide in French covering the immense oceanic expanse from the Red Sea to the Hawaiian Islands and the Galapagos Islands. And yet... it shows only a tiny part of the vast biological heritage of the Indo-Pacific! Two volumes are needed to cover what can be seen by divers or snorkelers. This first volume covers biotopes, plants and almost all groups of invertebrates. As a tireless popularizer, Steven WEINBERG makes the inaccessible accessible to all.