The rebreather diving guide VF
The guide to diving in rebreather by François Brun and Pascal Bernabé
- History
- Types of rebreathers
- Rebreather components
- Dive planning
- Emergency procedures
Although the concept of the rebreather dates back to the 19th century, it remained essentially confined to a few military uses and has only really developed in the last fifteen years. This opening towards sport and Tek diving is closely linked to the technological progress which allowed to innovate and to realize very sophisticated and reliable multi-gas devices. The closed circuit rebreather has naturally imposed itself because it allows incredible dives! Currently, all major underwater explorations and discoveries are made with these "machines": remote penetrations into underground galleries (cave diving), direct access to new deep marine species (coelacanth), discoveries of new wrecks (Esterel, Campéador, etc.). New underwater spaces open up to you: space of depth and duration. Because the rebreather allows you to stay underwater for an infinitely long time with an optimized decompression and without bubbles, a real treat for the biologist or the photographer/videographer. Associated with breathing mixtures with helium, access to the abysses becomes a reality because gas autonomy is no longer a constraint as it is in open circuit. But these performances have a corollary: you have to be trained to "pilot" these new machines and tame new sensations. You can't go from a passenger plane to a fighter plane without some training! This is the purpose of this book: to present very clearly these complex aircraft, with over 220 photos, 100 explanatory diagrams and 40 tables. An essential book for any rebreather owner. But also, because of the variety and richness of its contents, it is recommended to experienced open circuit divers who want to know more about current diving techniques. François Brun and Pascal Bernabé have already written Le guide de la plongée Tek, which has sold more than 10,000 copies.
French version