Pleasure Diving: 1st and 2nd Degree Monitorats - 4rd Edition
Pleasure Diving: 1st and 2nd Degree Monitorats - 4rd Edition by Alain Foret
Plongée Plaisir Monitorats is the essential book for any candidate to the monitorat : MF1 and MF2 FFESSM ; MF1 and MF2 FSGT ; Monitorats CMAS ; BPJEPS, DEJEPS, DESJEPS (State). Plongée Plaisir Monitorats is also intended for course tutors and instructors to get the necessary elements for their courses. To facilitate access, Plongée Plaisir Monitorats is organized in 122 pedagogical sheets grouped in 4 parts: 1.
General pedagogy (sheets n°1 to 26) ; 2. Teaching practice : Technical gestures to teach (sheets n°17 to 66) ; Building a course (sheets n°67 to 79) ; 3. Teaching theory : Main topics to teach (sheets n°80 to 94) ; Making a theory course (sheets n°95 to 101) ; 4. Diving management, organization and regulations (sheets n°102 to 121). Sheet n°122 is an instruction manual for course tutors and 2nd degree monitor candidates.
Plongée Plaisir Monitorats covers the whole training program.