BAUER Junior Triplex P21 filter cartridge
Triplex P21 Filter Cartridge for BAUER JUNIOR, JUNIOR 2 and POSEIDON P100
The filter cartridge allows the retention of condensates and oil residues to allow a filtration in conformity with the regulation AIR RESPIRABLE EN12021.
This cartridge is compatible with BAUER Junior and Junior 2 compressors as well as POSEIDON P100.
The user of a diving compressor must know that it is very important to change the cartridges of his compressor regularly. The life span of the cartridges is variable, depending on the ambient temperature. Here are the lifetimes of the cartridges given by the manufacturer:
- Temperature of 20°C: 10 hours of operation
- Temperature of 25°C : 8 hours of operation
- Temperature of 30°C : 5 hours of operation
- Temperature of 35°C : 4 hours of operation
- 40°C temperature: 3 hours of operation
When a filter cartridge is saturated by not respecting the replacement intervals, it can lead to serious malfunctions on the compressor (cartridge explosion, tightening of the last stage piston...) and give back air that does not comply with the EN12021 breathing air standard, including in the case of a bad choice of cartridge.
The diver's life depends on the air compressed in his cylinder and therefore requires obligatory attention of the cartridge.