Guillaume Nery : Full breath
Guillaume Nery : Full breath
On the occasion of the release of his brand new short film, One Breath Around The World, the famous freedivers Guillaume Néry puts the underwater world in the spotlight in a sublime book.Nearly 100,000 followers on Instagram, 160,000 on Facebook... Guillaume Néry is now ultra-mediatized. His performances in freediving (multiple world records, a double title of world champion) do not explain everything. No, it is not the records, but the films he shoots with his partner Julie Gautier, also a freediving champion, that have earned him this success. In 2010, their film Free Fall reached more than 20 million views on YouTube. Narcose and Ocean Gravity followed, until Beyoncé asked them to direct the video for her song Runnin'. Followed since the beginning by the photographer Franck Seguin, the one called "the man who walks underwater" went to meet the people of the ocean. A hymn to the underwater world and a plea for the protection of the planet are the main themes of this beautiful book: Guillaume Néry, à plein souffle. Guillaume Néry and his partner Julie Gautier will be godfather and godmother of the Salon International de la Plongée which will take place from January 11 to 14, 2019 in Paris. They will present a preview of their new film One Breath Around The World, which will be accompanied by an exhibition of photographs signed by Franck Seguin.