The NITROX TRIMIX TEK Dive Guide 3rd Edition
The TEK Nitrox Trimix Diving Guide 3rd Edition GAP
Summary :
Tek diving encompasses a number of techniques using gas mixtures such as NITROX and TRIMIX, sometimes specific equipment, advanced underwater procedures and a rigorous approach to dive planning. These diving techniques open up new horizons of exploration. The use of mixes and heavier configurations allows access to little known areas: drop offs, wrecks, caves. They also improve the safety and comfort of the diver: absence of narcosis, great autonomy, overoxygenated mixes, redundancy of the equipment. Rebreathers are attracting more and more divers in search of new sensations and a better approach to the fauna (see The Rebreather Diving Guide). The NITROX allows to link several dives with less fatigue and more safety. The TRIMIX considerably reduces narcosis and breathlessness.
This book is practical and well illustrated so that it can be understood by all divers whatever their level. Everyone will find concrete information that they can use to access new and exciting areas that were previously inaccessible to them.
Throughout the pages and in the water, you will discover: NITROX-TRIMIX mixes and their manufacture; fundamental techniques and Tek configurations; the Sidemount technique; specific Tek equipment; diving on wrecks; ceiling diving techniques (caving); the advantages of rebreather diving; rigorous dive planning; decompression strategies; the ascent to the surface with the organization of decompression stops and surface drift. This 3rd edition is completely updated and includes all the technical, theoretical and material novelties.
An essential book for every diver!
French edition