Fluorescein safety for diver and nautical activities
Fluorescein diving
Fluorescein dye (20 g), which leaves a colored mark in the water, increasing the chances of being spotted by a rescue boat or plane. Fluorescein (more specifically the fluorescein salt, CAS 518-47-8) is a dye that can even in small amounts intensely color water green or even yellow-green, and it also shines in the sun. Use of fluorescein for sea rescue at its origins in the Second World War, where it saved the lives of many pilots from all countries who have been validated.
Fluorescein is not harmful in the form of a dilution used for signaling (in some countries it is approved as a food coloring). When using a pure or high concentration substance, however, it can cause poisoning. According to directive (ES) num. 1272/2008 it is not considered to be a dangerous substance or mixture. When judged by Directive 67/548 / EHS, it is not considered to be a dangerous substance.
Caracteristics :
- Fluorescein is sold in an 11cm bulb and is waterproof and can be stored permanently, for example in the pocket of a diving jacket or a dry suit. Each capsule was pressure tested up to 100 meters deep.