O'DIVE - Sensor to optimize the diving decompression
O'DIVE - Intelligent connected sensor for the optimization of its decompression - Trimix, Héliox, CCR
O'DIVE is the result of 10 years of research and 4 research theses as well as several patents. More than 1,000,000 dives have been studied, with the support of leading scientists and French doctors specializing in hyperbaric research.
The O'DIVE intelligent dive decompression sensor will allow the diver after each dive to measure the level of vascular microbubbles in his body (Doppler technology).
Connected to O'Dive servers, they will analyze personal measurements and dive data and give the diver a "quality index" of its decompression.
The O-Dive has been specially designed for Tek divers using Trimix, Heliox and CCR. It works well for AIR and NITROX dives also. Thus, the diver will be able to become aware of his safety and adapt his dive computer to the proposed recommendations, or even modify his diving technique by using Nitrox, thus improving its decompression.
The ODIVE sensor simply revolutionizes the safety of scuba diving. Indeed, most computers use almost all the same models of decompression, but which one advises you to increase your bearings according to your physiological state, tiredness etc ....? No.
ODIVE is the tool of tomorrow for the safety of all diving.
How does O'Dive work?
By choosing the O'DIVE solution, you can create 2 individual users as standard. Each diver can perform as many measurements as he or she wishes.
Designed for sport or recreational diving, O'DIVE is suitable for diving with AIR, Nitrox, Trimix, Heliox and for dives with CCR rebreathers
Each user uses their own confidential account. The management of the data by Azoth Systems scrupulously respects the rules related to the confidentiality of the personal data.
The O'DIVE sensor is easy to use and is fully autonomous and quick to use after leaving the water.
An ODIVE formula for each type of diver
ODIVE is available in a program for 4 types of divers and is adapted to each activity:
- Odive SPORT : open circuit AIR 40m and Nitrox 40% diving
- Odive ADVANCED : open circuit diving 100% O2
- Odive CCR : Closed circuit up to Trimix 85m
- Odive TECHNICAL : Closed Circuit Trimix 1253 and Heliox 125m
- Here are the details and the proposed prices